My Story
When people ask how I went from a being raised in a low income, single parent home to becoming a first generational college student who had FOUR jobs at ONE time while maintaining The Dean's List, to managing millions of dollars in sales in my corporate career with a Fortune 500 company, to then take the leap to build my very own international multiple six figure coaching & speaking brand without scarficing who I am, who I love, & what I want all before the age of 30, here's my answer ...
I had to become intentional about making mindset an ongoing non-negotible! This has meant being in communities, coaching containers, and working through expansive exercises + inner work that:
Making my first $5k, first $50k, and first $500k DEMANDED THIS WORK of me!
THIS is the mindset work it took get here, to believe in myself & my abilities, to give myself permission that such goals were even possible for me, to show up when it was uncomfortable, & tap deeper into my faith so I could move despite my fears! ALL of this has been apart of my journey in expanding & evolving every day, every month, every year! And this is apart of the foundation of why I'm even sharing The Mindset to Monetize™ Membership Club into the world! 🌎
I choose to say yes to myself no matter what because I believe how worth it I am! I believe my gifts, genius, talents, & skills are needed more in the world! I believe my story & message need to touch more hearts! And I beieve the same for you too! I'm unapologetic about helping more women step into THIS depth of belief, power, knowing, trust, conviction, confidence, & momentum around showing up & being seen to This is what gets to happen when you expand your mindset to monetize! When you expand your mind, you expand your Mission, message, momentum, & your money! Imagine all the areas in your life that will expand too!
Now my love, you must choose! Are you joining The Mindset to Monetize™ Membership Club for the community, coaching, & container of expansive resources that's going to shift your sales, visibility, & money mindset so you change your life AND business? OR, are you not going to allow yourself to recieve this support & ignite this shift?