Immersing You Into Next Level Alignment!

  • Ready to be fully unleashed and unapologetically step into the DEEPER alignment, connection, & calling + BIGGER abundance, money, & balance you REALLY crave!

  • Ready to give yourself full freaking permission to stop catering to the people you’ve known for years weren’t a fit for you, but accepted because they could pay. You’re past the how do I sign a client phase and now you’re focused on calling in the right, soul aligned clients. The ones so ready and willing to do the work and be self aware, are coach-able, take self responsibility, and value investing in themselves! The clients who make your job so much easier, more fun, don’t drain your sanity or energy and actually add to it, respect your boundaries, and inspire you higher as a leader who wants to help even more people.

  • Ready to create AND honor a higher level of balance and boundaries in your business, re-designing the business that fits into your life and not the other way around. Amplifying what feels right and works and giving yourself permission to tweak and toss the rest!

  • Ready to operate at your highest level of being so that you can call in your highest level clients. Truly embodying that next level leader you are called to me without sacrificing who you are! This isn’t about allowing the expectations, standards, and “shoulds” or “supposed tos” you’ve compared yourself to for so long any more! It’s about seeing that you are enough, fully ready, capable, & worthy of YOUR next level now and creating YOUR new standard! You need the funnel, team, website, your body, and any of that to be perfect. You are more than enough.

  • Ready to fully receive the abundance available to you so you enjoy more than temporary indulgences, but true joy in your life, in your home, in your money, in your relationships, in your business, and with yourself every freaking day! Allowing yourself to experience and exist in a space of overflow, excess, more is safe! No more shrinking, settling, and limiting yourself to give others time to physically and mentally catch up! No shame!


I don’t care if you want to make the same money OR more money, I want you to choose what YOU want, but most importantly, make sure it’s in ways that feel AH-MAZING, expansive, meaningful to YOU that allow you to be fully present for the peeps + things that matter most! Stop using someone else’s IG, FB Story, rags to riches story as your standard and pre-conceived notion of what YOUR next level is “SUPPOSED” to look like!

What do you want it to FEEL like! When you wake up, when you get to your desk OR the couch in your office like I’m working from nowadays, when you sit down to watch a movie with the people you love, when you’re on vacation, when you go to sleep.

Align is for if you are done letting your business run your life 24/7 and only want to give it about 4-6 (hours a day), 3-4 days a week! Where you’re mentally fucking free to smell the roses, literally!

Alignment is bringing you back within yourself to who it is you want to be in your life and business, how you want to run things, what you want to be known for, talking about, and teaching! Where you show up & believe it deeply even if some thing it’s different and even if some reject it, simply making space for all that is truly meant to be!

This is a total transformational, holistic approach to stepping into your true calling doing the work that really lights up your soul, amplifying your impact with soul aligned clients you love, accelerating your income in ways you absolutely love, and being present to fully experience ALL of the success you create with the people and things you love, without sacrificing what you truly want!

It’s time to experience your abundance and success with a business that feeds your soul AND your deepest desires! Stop letting your ego run the show, negotiating with yourself around what you really want and how you really want to experience it! We’re burning down the guilt, shame, and doubt around what really matters to you, how you really want to experience it, and who you really are being called to be in this world at your highest level of self expression & being!

Your heart + soul + bank account is craving deep down, MORE boundaries and balance, presence in your personal life, indulging in more self care & experiences with the people you love, releasing control to be supported by a team, and designing the next level of the business you REALLY want. You know, teaching what really moves you, working with soul aligned clients you love who value working with you & investing in themselves, and running your business how you really want with the business model that allows you to be energetically AND financially abundant in a sustainable way so you get to actually enjoy the freedom, flexibility, and success you've created!

Your next level is now, I’m so honored to guide you back within yourself to your highest level of alignment, abundance, and being!

*Affordable Extended Payment Plans are available. Simply complete the contact form below and our team will be reaching out.

Mastermind Details
  • Nov 4 - Jan 31st (Doors close Nov 8th, 10 weeks + 3 flex weeks)

  • This is a high touch, intimate space with private 1:1 mentorship + group masterminding for 6 women only!

  • Weekly Mastermind Calls + Private Facebook Community + BONUS Aligned Implementation Co-Working Sessions

  • Daily Direct Access to My Unapologetic Unfuckwithable Badassery Energy+ Mentorship to call your ego out & your divinity higher

  • Next Level Alignment Trainings + Exercises such as, but not limited to

    • Next Level Vision & Clarity + Power in Permission

    • Next Level Decluttering & Releasing to Receive

    • Shredding Standards, Shoulds, & Expectations

    • Self Identity Detachment From Money + Owning Your Big Money Goal B***h!

    • Highest Level Being & Embodiment + Soul Client Attraction

    • Aligned Business Model + Scale Plan

    • Intentional & Aligned Life Designing (relationships + body + time + balance + boundaries + team & allowing yourself to be supported)

  • (1) Private 1:1 Aligned Money Mapping Intensive + (1) Private 1:1 Soul Client Aligned Attraction & Messaging Intensive - individually energetic, embodiment, aligned action birthing catalyst to my clients’ BIGGEST & MOST FULFILLING $30k+ launches, $15k+ clients, & $5-25k+ paydays!

Valued at over $10,000, your investment today is only $3000!

*Affordable Extended Payment Plans are available. Complete the contact form at the bottom of this page and our team will be reaching out.

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We kick off Nov 4th -Jan 17th (8 weeks plus some bonus time for the holidays ... how would it feel to actually make the most money this year while actually being present to enjoy your time off)!

Last year I ran a version of this mastermind at this same exact time and the massive shifts and results were incredible...

Because this is a space co-created by 6 badass women with inner powerhouses ready to be unleashed (1 of them is you) + me with a magnetic & contagious energy of bigger belief even in your biggest goals & deepest desires where you are called deeper within yourself where the answers are.

I’m simply guiding you there & supporting you by calling you celebrating all of who you are & higher in your thinking, belies, and action! Calling your ego out when, not if it tries to show up and stop you from existing in your truth!

And holding you accountable on a next level to acting fast, boldly & unapologetically in alignment. You will be taking action on your deepest alignment just like these women! And that action will feel fun, easy, re-energizing, and in your element. Not harsh & forced like you’ve allowed yourself to get used to!

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These women gave themselves permission to step into full alignment with what they really want to be teaching, the business model they really wanted, the team they desired & allowed themselves to be supported, the way they wanted to show up in their life ....

And of course it also showed up in their bank account because when you feed your heart + soul with truth, you are massively rewarded with soul aligned clients!

♥️ The signed hand fulls of clients in their $1500 half day workshops and $5k VIP Days because they released the idea they needed to keep spending 3 months with people on powerful work they knew they could do impactfully in 1 plus the caliber of clients they attracted shifted

♥️ Booked out their 5 Figure Masterminds

♥️ Hosted live retreats so their hearts could serve their people in person like they craved

♥️ Transitioned into more paid speaking like they really wanted to

♥️ Stepped into 4-5 figure corporate trainings deals because making $5 or $12k from a full day workshop or 1 week partnership was actually how they wanted to make more money

♥️ Finally creating the passive income course she wants AND held such an aligned webinar that felt natural and genuine to her with the magnetic messaging that lead to double digits industry unheard of conversions!

♥️ All while sending me pics from girlfriend trips and vacations with their husband, pics with their kiddos, some worked a FT job (can you imagine working FT AND having your first $30k month, she did!), & enjoying mid-week spa days!

Your next level is now! Trust it, listen, and act fast! Don’t let your ego fight this! #NotTodayEgo

*Affordable Extended Payment Plans are available. Simply complete the contact form below and our team will be reaching out.

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